Friday, November 30, 2007

Calvin & Abner

I have to post pictures of the cats every once in a while because they are so cute.
These are all Calvin.

Shows in NYC

Steven and I went to NYC for the first time in a while – we would like to make annual trips to see shows but it’s too expensive. This time we stayed in Soho, which was interesting – grittier but less touristy than the theatre district or upper E/W sides. Highlights included celebrity sightings: Alec Baldwin at Tribeca Grill, the bleached blond from America’s Next Top Model hailing a cab, the young kid from Queer as Folk (Showtime) – probably looking for work – and Ty Pennington at a restaurant (not obviously drunk, as his recent admission might suggest). I guess it’s not very special if the “celebrities” are of such a caliber that you only know half their names.

We were incredibly lucky – the stagehands were on strike so nearly all shows were closed, but the three we bought tickets for were not! They were Xanadu (very silly and fun), and Young Frankenstein (pretty awful except one number by Megan Mullaly).