Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Opening Up the Trailer

Steven, Kathy, Jim and I opened up Poplar Tree Bay this weekend – no dead mice or fallen ceiling tiles (yea) but crappy weather all weekend (boo). Saw Bev, Jim, Diane and Chris and family for a barbecue. Trying to figure out when this summer we can go back since right now we are only really planning to go in late August/early September.

On the way in (we fly to Buffalo and drive, since it’s cheaper than Syracuse) we stopped in Rochester for lunch and stumbled upon the transgendered district. At least that’s what I’m calling it. We were eating lunch and two very butch women walked by the window – you couldn’t help but notice them and think they were men, either in drag or before the surgery. A nearby bar had a rainbow awning, so later we looked it up online and found out it hosts meetings of the Rochester transgendered society or something like that. We also hit a used book/CD store and found a cheap copy of Liza Minnelli's "Results" album – this was late 80s dance music mostly written and produced by the Pet Shop Boys and it’s actually pretty good. But it IS Liza Minnelli. We already had it on vinyl but it skips. (Yes, we now own two copies of Liza Minnelli’s disco album. Jealous?)

But the best part of the trip was a rare find at an “antique” store in little Governeur, NY, which we hit upon while driving aimlessly around on a gloomy day. We found a vinyl copy of Leonard Nimoy’s 1968 masterpiece “Two Sides of Leonard Nimoy” – where he sings one side as Spock and one as himself! It plays really well, too. Hard to find., and hilarious – especially the songs “Highly Illogical” (Spock) and “The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins” (Nimoy the nerd). Another blogger has a shrine to this album posted so read it, it’s funny.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Happy Birthday, Jim!

Brother-in-law Jim had a birthday in early May and Steven and I bought him a big jar of pickled eggs dyed pink. We saw it in Meier’s and I had to buy it. Here’s Jim at Fernando’s, trying them. Of course, fart jokes abounded. Kathy wrote in an e-mail “Giving Jim beer and eggs - never knew that Scott was repressing such deep hatred for me.”