Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas in Danville

Steven and I spent Christmas night in Danville with his family. So many people coming in and out of his Gawmaw's house! Holidays in Southfield were always only the six (then four, then three, then two) of us - no extended family to drop in. It was good to see everyone.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

No snow, and we barely decorated because of the work on the house, but otherwise "merry." Here's a picture of the tree. I love our ornaments - some are old (from the Heiers I think) and many others are things we collected that have "meaning."

Also in the picture is the beautiful pointsettia sent by Bev and Jim (thanks!) And thanks Mom for the presents! I love the cookbooks. And thanks Billy (brother in law) for the CD and wine, and Sharon for the Lowe's gift cards (much needed given the work on the house!)

I have been off for the past two weeks but spent most of the time sitting in either Sip coffeehouse or Argo Tea (which I love) doing ICAAP work, because home had construction going on. Otherwise, Steven and I spent much of our time off watching "marathons" on satellite TV (Voyager, Top Chef, Law and Order CI, South Park...) And I started playing my Playstation 2 again, unfortunately ... it's relaxing. I finished Frogger and am about halfway through Pac Man World 3 (I only play what I call "little girls'" games, and then only when they are a few years old and sell for under $20!)

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Thanksgiving cookies

Not sure who sent this to my company (I was out and one of my staff took a picture). It's a cookie bouquet. Very nice, but they have to bake those cookies so hard and thick they aren't very good.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Busy Week - first, Las Vegas!

My fall trip to Vegas (Steven and I go in July, and I go in November). Stayed at the Monte Carlo, for the second time, since it's fine and pretty cheap. Weather in the 70s, which is good for the time of year. I continue my "addiction" to roulette (I love it!) and actually came back about $200 ahead this year. I love going to the Westin Casuarina - tiny casino a block off the strip but they have "happy hour" gambling where chips are $.25 (instead of $1) for roulette, and the other table games are similarly cheap. But mainly I like to shop, relax and drive around Vegas to see the neighborhoods, locals' casinos, etc. Good food as usual (Mon Ami Gabi, Olives, Mesa Grill, Emeril's Seafood, Il Fornaio).

Next trip may be March 2007 to join my Kathy and Jim at their "annual" final four weekend trip.

.. Then My High School Reunion

My 20th Groves reunion was 11/25/06 at the Westin in Southfield. It was surreal, and I think others would use that word as well. Probably 150 (out of just over 300?) students came back. At one point I'd be talking to old friends and it would feel as natural as it was walking the halls of Groves, and then I'd stop and look around and think about all that had happened in 20 years and how distant that part of my life is now.

Groves High School

Berkshire Middle School

I could write for hours about it but I'll spare everyone. I was so happy to see my friend Katy ... Katy, and Patty, connected with me over the summer and I realized how much I missed them and how sad it is that none of us kept in touch. Both of them seem to be doing great. It was also fun to see Danny (and to be sci-fi geeks again - he is professionally, teaching kids sci-fi literature, and I am pathetically, just watching sci-fi TV) and Chris. Interestingly, the Evergreen Elementary kids gravitated to each other, and it was fun to reminisce with Phil H, Alec R, Quinn S, Emily B, John M, etc. I missed Lainie L and Lily C, and a few others I was closer to in high school.

... And a Visit to the (Nonexistent) Old House

30011 Pleasant Trail is gone! I drove around alot before my high school reunion and visited Cranbrook and our house is gone, replaced with a newer one (see picture). And it's for sale. Otherwise the suburb looked the same, although everything seemed more spread out than it used to.

I spent maybe 4 hours driving around. The Burger King I worked at is there, but the Kmart is gone. All my old record stores are gone too. So sad to grow old.