Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

No snow, and we barely decorated because of the work on the house, but otherwise "merry." Here's a picture of the tree. I love our ornaments - some are old (from the Heiers I think) and many others are things we collected that have "meaning."

Also in the picture is the beautiful pointsettia sent by Bev and Jim (thanks!) And thanks Mom for the presents! I love the cookbooks. And thanks Billy (brother in law) for the CD and wine, and Sharon for the Lowe's gift cards (much needed given the work on the house!)

I have been off for the past two weeks but spent most of the time sitting in either Sip coffeehouse or Argo Tea (which I love) doing ICAAP work, because home had construction going on. Otherwise, Steven and I spent much of our time off watching "marathons" on satellite TV (Voyager, Top Chef, Law and Order CI, South Park...) And I started playing my Playstation 2 again, unfortunately ... it's relaxing. I finished Frogger and am about halfway through Pac Man World 3 (I only play what I call "little girls'" games, and then only when they are a few years old and sell for under $20!)

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