Sunday, July 01, 2007

Spring/Summer 2007 Travel Part 1 (Fun)

Busy spring and summer! Lots of trips for fun and work (which are also fun - I'm not the type to sit in the hotel room and order room service much). Here's are two of the fun ones:

Fort Lauderdale

The only reason I go to here is because I had a Southwest ticket I canceled and the credit was going to expire, so I had to go somewhere (that was in 2006). So I went to Fort Lauderdale. I had low expectations - thinking "Spring Break." But it's really nice and now it's an annual trip for me. Amazing houses on the canals. Food wasn't great this trip. This is photo of a hot, hazy day at the beach two blocks from my little hotel, with a cruise ship in the background (some of them look huge in the water - it's kind of surreal).

Las Vegas

No surprises I took advantage of a chance to go to Vegas! Kathy and Jim did their March trip and I joined them. It was really fun because I helped take Kathy out of her element there - she usually doesn't leave the strip (and Jim doesn't leave the sports book) but I always have a rental car, so we explored some other areas and casinos and visited one of Kathy's coworkers who moved out there. Here's Kathy with a martini at a restaurant near Green Valley Ranch (we had fondue!). The second picture is a great memory - we are driving down the highway and this motorcycle shoots past us with a bodybuilder driving it and a woman in a bikini/thong on the back seat. I'm sure they were just going to work like any other day. Only in Las Vegas.

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