Sunday, July 01, 2007

Spring/Summer 2007 Travel Part 2 (Work)


I had a work trip to Ottawa in June and it was beautiful! It's only two hours north of the 1000 Islands so I hope we can make side trips while we are at our trailer there. So many pretty pictures I had trouble deciding which to post. (Unfortunately I didn't get one of the nude cyclists - must have been some sort of protest, but I was walking down the street with a bunch of the doctors and other staff attending the meeting when they rode by!).

These pictures are Canada's parliament, our meeting hotel (very historic), fruit at a farmer's market, and POUTINE! (french fries covered in gravy and cheese curds ... yum)
For three years in a row, I ended up going to Orlando in the summer for work. That's what happens when you work for and with nonprofits (hot and sticky = undesireable = cheap). But I've learned to love 1) The Universal Studios Royal Pacific Hotel (I was going to link to it but they have nasty music on the pages so I won't torture you), 2) the Emeril Lagasse restaurant there, 3) the Spiderman ride at Universal (so cool), and 4) the fact that with a room key from the hotel, you get to go to the front of the lines automatically in the park. Steven and I did the parks two years in a row - yes, we are too old for that, but it's fun and you feel special walking past all the common people waiting in the heat.

Oh and I was working (almost forgot). I "presented" a poster at an AAP conference. about teaching pediatric residents about advocacy, which is something I do. Here's a picture of it.

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